Velipoje Beach
Velipoje Beach
Velipoje Beach
Velipoje Beach

Velipoje Beach Claimed

Velipoye is a frequently visited Albanian resort located on the border with Montenegro.

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Velipoye is a frequently visited Albanian resort located on the border with Montenegro. Most of the territory is a wide, long, wild beach with a length of 20 km. Admission is free.

The shoreline and the sea bottom are sandy. The descent is smooth, with the depth rising gradually. The landscapes are beautiful and breathtaking, the air is clear and healing due to the flora. The water is clean, clear and warm.

The infrastructure is well developed: cafes and restaurants with modern toilets are situated on the beach. Tourists can rent hotel suites, apartments and cottages on the shore. There are parkings and shops nearby, and you can rent sunbeds and umbrellas. You can get to the beach and other nearby towns by the bus that drives around the shore every day. This bus will take tourists to the nearby town of Shkoder, where one can buy locally made products on the market: cheese, meat, peaches, fish etc.

Those who like activity can take a ferry across Koman water reserve as part of the tour. This is where the Valbone valley and the national Theth park begin, with an unforgettable view over northern Albania and the Alps.

When is it better to go

Albania has a Mediterranean dry climate and healing air thanks to its large coniferous forests. More than 300 days a year is sunny. The maximum water temperature in seas in summer – + 25 degrees. Air temperature from June to August varies between + 28 – +32 degrees. Summer is mild, hot. The beach season lasts from May to October. In the highlands, the climate is colder.






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