Kuzum Baba Hill
Kuzum Baba Hill
Kuzum Baba Hill
Kuzum Baba Hill

Kuzum Baba Hill Claimed

A natural terrace carved out by the sea, located on a hill above the city of Vlore.

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Kuzum Baba is a natural terrace carved out by the sea, located on a hill above the city of Vlore. It takes its name from Sejjid Ali Sulltan, known as Father Kuzum (Quzum Baba), a Bektashi spiritual leader, who according to local tradition, is buried here.

Being the highest point of the city, somewhere at 30 m from the sea level, Kuzum Baba offers visitors the chance to enjoy the fresh air and to admire beautiful city landscapes. The 300 meters long terrace represents, despite its geological importance, a religious center for the Bekatashi sect. There is a Bektashi temple atop of the hill (Tempulli i Bektashinjve), built around 1600. The sect was influential in the 17th century, but its stopped its activity temporarily around 1826, because of local persecutions. Today however, the Tekke of Kuzum Dad (Teqeja e Kuzum Babait) is one of the most important Bekatashi centers in all Albania.




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