Metropol Theatre
Metropol Theatre
Metropol Theatre

Metropol Theatre Claimed

The mission of this theater is to bring on stage the artistic values ​​of international and national performances.

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The Metropolitan Theater or the Theater of Tirana was established in 2008. The mission of this theater is to bring on stage the artistic values ​​of international and national performances.

It is part of the Cultural Center of Tirana, which includes: Metropol Theater, Folklore Ensemble “Tirana”, City Band, TEN Center, cinema “Agimin” and cinema “Lapraka”. The focus of the Cultural Center is to offer the capital quality and diverse artistic experiences, creating the necessary spaces for artists of all generations, encouraging and supporting the creation, realization and interpretation of quality Albanian works.

In all its activity and activity QKT supports the values ​​of national culture and art, as well as the best values ​​of world culture and art, to provide education and entertainment for all strata and age groups of society.

This theater is open to new talents. Metropol Theater has 2 large halls with a capacity of 220 people, a library with foreign and Albanian books. Children’s plays are also given in this theater every weekend.




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